17 December 2008

Ideas for Riders Have Spoken Immersive Environment Replay

The following images are ideas for different layer scenes in the Riders Have Spoken replay environment. The layer creates different ways of using the archive, Layer One allows the viewer to interact with the shphere shapes discovering there sound files and as a sound installation. Layer Two provides a transitory stage where the viewer experiences fragments of photographic reality and drawn perspective spaces the music will remind players of the original of cycling with the music playing searching for the next place to hide. Layer Three is the archive layer where the viewer can listen to all the archive material or leave a message of their own.
The Intial scene is a drawn room with floating spheres. Came from bike wheels and heads and inside heads.....
Drawn space came from earlier experiments showing too much detail closing down the space and also influenced by Blast Theorys graphic interface, made me think of the painting of Philip Guston. So the first space white and black visually simple with a babble of voices from the archive which if you get nearer to a sphere you would hear clearer.
If you choose to bury your head in the sphere you enter another layer this space is also drawn but with some photographic fragments. The sound in all these spaces is the music Blast Theory has us riding along with the music by blanket.
Reached through traveling through to the vanishing point of layer two or for example down a pothole. These spaces would be the archive rooms. The idea would be the user could click on the recording number on the walls to hear the recorded voice.Other archive rooms would include the user being able to leave an answer to one of Blast Theorys questions and write a message on the wall.

Brighton Visit for Rider Spoke Monday 24th November 2008

Notes: finally get to have a go at Rider Spoke in Brighton around the Portslade area.
Weather was dry but really chilly, borrowed a bike from Blast Theory, liked the mike and earphone set up, very unobtrusive, realised once I started bike was to low for me so it was a bit uncomfortable to cycle. Didn't cycle very far followed map that showed where others had 'hidden'. Funny thing was that the cycling seemed the least important thing of the whole event. Music by Blanket really atmospheric fitted well with the dramatic sunset, made me feel outside of everyday as did the questions. Wasn't sure how much I was acting differently to someone who hadn't heard stuff from archive, found it problem to find places where I felt I could leave messages, felt a bit self-conscious answering some the questions, but some I found I gave more info than I meant getting really caught up in the moment, really forgot to notice world around me at those moments eg not noticing car trying to park where I had stopped to record. I think the cold meant the battery on my screen started beeping saying it was running low so I didn't listen to as many recording as maybe I would like. Geographical Place became less important than head space and discovering others head space. Overall I found the experience intimate, cold, lonely, melancholy.